• General Paper Tuition Singapore A level General Paper Tuition – The nature of rules and their relevance in society today

    General Paper Tuition Singapore A level General Paper Tuition – The nature of rules and their relevance in society today


    In the state of nature envisaged by Thomas Hobbes, it is easy to imagine how the superior skill or strength (overly so at times) of certain individuals would make them obvious candidates for leadership that others might be pleased to – or wise not to – accept. This remains true in all human groups: natural leaders emerge and familiar aspects of social dynamics prompt others to submit to their authority, which could mean either accepting willingly or begrudgingly those rules leaders determine for them.

    The law is the ultimate civil embodiment of such rules that society believes is essential for all citizens to follow in order to achieve peace, harmony and well-being. Civil society is premised on the rule of law; laws have to be made when required, and therefore a person, a leader, or a body has to be invested with the power to devise them, and there has to be an expectation that they will be observed. This in turn requires enforcement, which in turn requires the existence of suitably empowered agencies such as a police force and courts. But apart from this vital political level where rules formally enshrined as laws guide or punish members, we also have rules in daily life which are multi-faceted and permeate every aspect of our lives. Name any one area of public or personal life and certainly, immediately and without qualification, the rules that define it will be known and obvious. Thus, whether we like them or not, whether we choose to obey them or not, rules in whatever form, are inescapable.

    Please contact Angie @ 96790479 or Mr Ong @ 98639633 if you need full articles reading and  General Paper Tuition


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