• Tuition Center Singapore JC General Paper Tuition – Are women more disadvantaged than men in your society?

    Tuition Center Singapore JC General Paper Tuition – Are women more disadvantaged than men in your society?

    Topic: male & female issues in your society

    Issue: whether women are more disadvantaged

    Context: your society

    Keywords: more disadvantaged

    Definition of disadvantaged (OED): An unfavourable circumstance or condition that reduces the chances of success.

    Yes – Women are more disadvantaged

    1. Women are seen as a liability to their work which thus affects their opportunities at a career
    1. Discriminatory practices against pregnant employees still occur in this day and age
    2. In 2011, MOM received 112 pregnancy and maternity-related complaints compared to 84 in 2010. On average, there have been 97 complaints each year between 2006 and 2010, with the highest number recorded in 2009
    1. Women are perceived to have a tougher time dealing with the societal expectations of beauty
    1. Notions of beauty in the Singapore context: Slim, tall, thigh gap, fair…
    2. Because of these pressures of conforming to the perception of beauty, women are more likely to fall prey to beauty related illnesses e.g. anorexia, bulimia, depression…
    3. Figures from the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) show that 95 youngsters aged 13 to 19 suffered from anorexia or bulimia last year, up from 65 in 2011 and 75 the year before.


    Please contact Mr Ong if you need the complete essay

    Please contact Angie @ 96790479 or Mr Ong @ 98639633 if you need tuition in A Level General Paper Tuition 


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