Testimonials – Mr. Aaron

Mr Aaron – Excellent GP Teacher

Mr Aaron has equipped me well with good GP content knowledge that definitely will aid me well in my GP exams. His lessons are easy to understand and also provide us with ample preparations and knowledge in doing our assignment.

He is an excellent GP teacher who provides timely and constructive feedback on our learning. Besides teaching essential skills required in the exams (such as understanding question requirements and writing structured, effective essays), he also conducted clear discussions on key issues and current affairs. This was my favourite aspect of his teaching, as it allowed me to reflect on issues, to mature as a thinker, and to hone my writing skills. I had a thorough understanding of the subject requirements and how to work towards excelling for it. If you’re looking for a GP teacher to guide you through, Mr Aaron is the best teacher for the job.

Clement Ong TPJC


Mr Aaron – Proficient and Concise Teacher

One.Tuition Place played an important role during my ‘A’ level preparation. The GP teacher, Mr Aaron is very proficient. The explanations were concise and I was taught how to draw linkage and reference to real life situations. The discussion on current affairs was very helpful as it provided the students with a myriad of examples that were both relevant and updated. The lesson is very enjoyable ad enriching that offered a broader scope as compared to my school

Mr Aaron offered insightful comments when analyzing the comprehension paper. Students were taught to look beyond the text and understand the underlying deeper message before moving on to the questions. The most valuable lesson I learnt was the answering technique. I was trained to understand and be familiarized with the different question types and multiple complex requirements. This helped immensely as it ensured that we would stay on track and also to maximize our marks, not missing out or forgetting any points.

The composition lessons were rewarding as we learnt how to plan swiftly. In addition, we were taught to use relevant examples to support our arguments convincingly. Excellent discussion material was used during the lessons. Mr Aaron gave very good comments for each composition that I wrote and he gave a good summary to the class for each theme that we have written

Colin Foong SRJC


Mr Aaron – AWESOME and encouraging teacher

“I decided to join the GP class at One.Tuition Place in JC2 because I had heard of it from a friend and also because I had not been doing well for GP in JC1. Mr Aaron taught us how to analyse the comprehension questions as well as how to identify and fulfill the question requirements. I also learnt how to identify and tackle the different essay question types. These had helped me sharpen my skills for both the Paper 1 and Paper 2 component of the GP paper..

Mr Aaron also encourages us to broaden our general knowledge, not only through the local news but also through reading international news. He is an AWESOME and encouraging teacher. The timed-practices given in class have also helped me in time-management. The smaller class size also provided me with an environment conducive to learning.

All in all, I recommend the GP programme at One.Tuition Place and hope that everyone will be able to benefit from it, just like I did. Thanks to Mr Aaron.

Chee Li Jia CJC 


Mr Aaron – Committed Teacher

Mr Aaron is a very responsible and committed teacher, with both great knowledge and passion for the subject. I started out learning GP with a great fear that it would be a very demanding subject. However, Mr Aaron was very patient as he guided me through various GP topics and essay writing skills. He made me realize that studying GP could be a very enriching pursuit, as it taught me to analyse situations critically, think beyond the surface and discuss world affairs in an intellectual manner. Under his guidance, he helps me to overcome my most fear subject to most enjoyable and best subject.

Crystal Leo AJC


Mr Aaron – Excellent Teacher

Mr Aaron was an excellent teacher who provided timely and constructive feedback on our learning. Besides teaching essential skills required in the examination (such as understanding question requirements and writing structured, effective essays), he also conducted clear discussions on key issues and current affairs. This was my favourite aspect of his teaching, as it allowed me to reflect on issues, to mature as a thinker, and to hone my writing skills. Under his guidance, I had a thorough understanding of the subject requirements and how to work towards excelling for it. If you’re looking for a teacher to guide you through, Mr Aaron is the best person for the job.

Genevieve Gan TJC


Mr Aaron – Passionate Teacher

“Mr Aaron has left a deep impression on me as a teacher who was passionate, driven and extremely emphatic on the well-being and growth of his students. As a GP tutor, he focused on the need to read and gain knowledge on current affairs, he emphasized on the importance of hard work and independence, and finally he paid attention to details of your work. I have definitely improved as a student and as an individual as he had taught numerous lessons; and it is because of these that I am extremely grateful to have met him as my GP tutor.”

Chandani Devi Private candidate


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