O Level – Additional Mathematics

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    O Level Add Maths Tuition Singapore/Tuition O Level A Maths/Tutor

    Please post your O Level Additional Mathematics questions here



    help me to calculate the following sum:
    1/2 + 2/4 + 3/8 + 4/16 + …….+ 10/2 to the power of 10.



    O Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Will show u in the coming lesson

    O Level Additional Tutor Singapaore


    Please help me solve the following sums.
    1. The prime factorisation of two numbers are 2, 3 to the power of 2, 7 to the power of 3 and 13 and 3, 7 to the power of 2, 13 to the power of 3 and 17. Write down, in ascending order, all the common factors which are less than 100.

    2. Find all the possible values of the digits x and y if the six digit number 123x4y is divisible by 36.

    I need to hand this worksheet up by Friday.
    Natasha Tai



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Not so clear in your first question, call me when you are free

    Q2) No choice use trial and error but y has to a even number and x can be from 1 to o

    O-Level Additional Mathenatics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Commom Error in log

    log(x + y) NOT EQUAL TO log x + log y
    log(x – y) NOT EQUAL TO log x – log y

    log(xy) = log x + log y
    log(x/y) = log x – log y

    O-Level Additional Mathenatics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Roots of Quadractic Equation

    1) When the line cut the curve at 2 points
    b^2 – 4ac > o

    2) when the line is tangent to the curve
    b^2 – 4ac = o

    3) When the line does not intercept the curve
    b^2 – 4ac < o

    O-Level Additional Mathenatics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Remainder Theorem

    If a polynomial f(x) is divided by linear divisor x – a, the remainder is f(a)

    Factor Theorem

    If x -a is a factor of the polynomial f(x) then f(a) = 0

    O-Level Additional Mathenatics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Increasing and Decreasing Functions

    1. When dy/dx > 0 the function is increasing.

    2. When dy/dx < o the function is decreasing.

    3. When dy/dx = o , there is a turning point or point of inflexion

    4. Second derivative maximum point

    5. Second derivative > 0 => minimum point

    6. Second derivative = 0 we cannot conclude that it is a point of inflexion. We need to use the first derivative test to determine the nature.

    O-Level Additional Mathenatics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Please be inform that 2013 Add Math Tuition Schedule is posted on the website under the tag Class Schedule

    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Please be inform new class starting 10 Jan 2013 – Thu 6 pm to 8 pm

    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Partial Fraction

    There are 3 types of partial fraction

    1. Linear factor ax+b

    Example 5x+1/(x-1)(x+2) = A/(x-1) + B/(x+2)

    2. Repeated linear factor (ax+b)^2

    Example (x+1)/(x-1)^2 = A/(x-1) + B/(x-1)^2

    3. Quadratic factor x^2+c^2 which cannot be factorised

    Example (x^2-3x-12)/(x^2+4)(x+2) = (Ax+B)/(x^2+4) + C/(x+2)

    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Sum and Product of Roots

    Quadratic Equation
    ax^2 + bx + c = 0

    x = -b +- Sq rt (b^2 – 4ac) / 2a

    Sum of roots = -b/a

    Product of roots = c/a

    Equation : x^2 – (sum of roots)x + (product of roots) = 0

    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Memorise all the differentiation formulae and differentiation techniques

    1. d/dx(X^n) = nX^n-1
    2. d/dx (sin X) = cos X
    3. d/dx (cos X) = -sin X
    4. d/dx (tan X) = sec^2 X
    5. d/dx (e^x) = e^x
    6. d/dx (lnX) =1/X

    Chain Rule
    dy/dx = dy/du x du/dx

    Product Rule
    d/dx (uv) = udv/dx + vdu/dx

    Quotient Rule
    d/dx (u/v) = (vdu/dx – udv/dx) / v^2

    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tutor



    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tuition Singapore

    Trigonometric Functions

    sin x = opp/hpo
    cos x = adj/hpo
    tan x = opp/adj

    sin(90-x) = cos x
    cos(90-x) = sin x
    tan(90-x) = 1/tan x

    cos(-x) = cos x
    sin(-x) = -sin x
    tan(-x) = -tan x

    O-Level Additional Mathematics Tutor

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